Callahan Family Law & Mediation LLC has locations in both Minnesota and Colorado. 

We have separated out the practice areas for both below. 


Spousal Support

Spousal support, sometimes also referred to maintenance or alimony, is money (usually monthly payments) given from one spouse to the other to allow both spouses to continue to maintain the marital standard of living if possible. Spousal support is no… Read More

Child Support

Child support is money paid from one parent to another parent for the benefit of the parties’ joint child or children. Child support it not treated an income to the parent who receives it and is not tax deductible to the parent who pays it. It is a… Read More

Estate Planning: Wills and Trusts

Estate planning means creating a plan for the future for those you love. Estate planning can be used to preserve assets, minimize tax consequences, and create an income flow. Parents use estate planning to direct who will care for their children phys… Read More


Callahan Family Law & Mediation, LLC, works with clients in Chanhassen and throughout the state to find their peace in their Minnesota divorce. Helping clients calm the emotional storm that often swirls around the divorce process allows them to make… Read More

High Conflict

We have all heard about divorces in which both spouses agree to disagree; they put their emotions aside for the sake of their children, and seem to effortlessly move on. But not all divorces are easy, and even though you may be willing to forgive and… Read More

Property Division

When parties in Minnesota divorce, they are each entitled to an equitable share of martial property. Marital property is generally anything that was acquired during the marriage. There are exceptions to this general rule as Minnesota recognizes a spo… Read More

Child Custody & Parenting Time

People often confuse the terms "custody" and "parenting time." Under Minnesota law, there are two types of custody: legal and physical. It is common in Minnesota for parents to have joint legal and joint physical custody. Keep reading to learn mo… Read More



Child Custody & Parenting Time

People often confuse the terms “custody” and “parenting time.” Under Colorado law, there are two types of custody: legal and physical. It is common in Colorado for parents to have joint legal and joint physical custody. This d… Read More

Estate Planning

Estate planning means creating a plan for the future for those you love. Estate planning can be used to preserve assets, minimize tax consequences, and create an income flow. Parents use estate planning to direct who will care for their children phys… Read More

Property Division

All property acquired during the marriage (with a few important exceptions) is considered marital property under the Uniform Dissolution of Marriage Act in C.R.S. § 14-10-113. Upon dissolution of marriage, unless parties have executed a valid proper… Read More

Child Support

Child support is money paid from one parent to another parent for the benefit of the parties’ joint child or children. Child support it not treated an income to the parent who receives it and is not tax deductible to the parent who pays it. It is a… Read More

High Conflict

We have all heard about divorces in which both spouses agree to disagree; they put their emotions aside for the sake of their children, and seem to effortlessly move on. But not all divorces are easy, and even though you may be willing to forgive and… Read More

Spousal Support

Under Colorado law, the primary purposes of spousal maintenance is to “assist a spouse needing support when the other spouse has the ability to pay support.” See In re Marriage of Morton, 369 P.3d 800, 804 (Colo. App. 2016). The amount of spousal… Read More